List Container

The implementation uses a doubly-linked list, meaning that most operations are very efficient, and the list can be traversed both forward and backward.

The functions which use numeric indexes to refer to elements in the list can be slow, and should be avoided if possible: w_list_at(), w_list_insert_at(), and w_list_del_at(). Negative numeric indexes can be passed to functions, with the same meaning as in Python: -1 refers to the last element, -2 to the element before the last, and so on.

If a list is meant to contain objects (see Objects), it is possible to let the list reference-count the objects (using w_obj_ref() and w_obj_unref()) by passing true when creating a list with w_list_new(). If enabled, whenever an item is added to the list, its reference count will be increased, and it will be decreased when the item is removed from the list.


w_list_t *fruits = w_list_new (false);

w_list_append (fruits, "apples");
w_list_append (fruits, "bananas");

w_list_foreach (item, fruits)  // Prints "apples bananas "
    w_print ("$s ", (const char*) *item);

w_list_insert_after (fruits, w_list_first (fruits), "pears");
// fruits = {"apples", "pears", "bananas"}

w_list_del_head (fruits);
// fruits = {"pears", "bananas"}

w_list_foreach_reverse (item, fruits)  // Prints "bananas pears "
    w_print ("$s ", (const char*) *item);

w_obj_unref (fruits);  // Decrease the reference counter, frees the list.



Object type of a list container.


w_list_foreach(iterator, w_list_t *list)

Defines a loop over all items in a list.

Typical usage:

w_list_t *list = make_string_list ();
w_list_foreach (i, list) {
    w_io_format (w_stdout, "$s\n", (const char*) *i);
w_list_foreach_reverse(iterator, w_list_t *list)

Defines a loop over all items in a list, in reverse order.

Typical usage:

w_list_t *list = make_string_list ();
w_list_foreach_reverse (i, list) {
    w_io_format (w_stdout, "$s\n", (const char*) *i);


w_list_t* w_list_new(bool reference_counted)

Creates a new list, in which elements are optionally reference_counted.

void w_list_clear(w_list_t *list)

Clears a list, removing all of its elements.

void w_list_push_tail(w_list_t *list, void *element)

Appends an element to the end of a list.

void w_list_push_head(w_list_t *list, void *element)

Inserts an element at the beginning of a list.

void* w_list_pop_head(w_list_t *list)

emoves the element at the beginning of a list and returns it.

Note that this will not decrease the reference counter when reference counting is enabled: it is assumed that the caller will use the returned item.

void* w_list_pop_tail(w_list_t *list)

Removes the element at the end of a list and returns it.

Note that this will not decrease the reference counter when reference counting is enabled: it is assumed that the caller will use the returned item.

void* w_list_at(const w_list_t *list, long index)

Obtains the value stored in a list at a given index. Negative indexes count from the end of the list.

void* w_list_head(const w_list_t *list)

Obtains the element at the first position of a list.

void* w_list_tail(const w_list_t *list)

Obtains the element at the last position of a list.

w_iterator_t w_list_first(const w_list_t *list)

Obtains an iterator pointing to the first element of a list.

w_iterator_t w_list_last(const w_list_t *list)

Obtains an iterator pointing to the last element of a list

w_iterator_t w_list_next(const w_list_t *list, w_iterator_t iterator)

Makes an iterator to an element of a list point to the next element in the list, and returns the updated iterator.

w_iterator_t w_list_prev(const w_list_t *list, w_iterator_t iterator)

Makes an iterator to an element of a list point to the previous element in the list, and returns the updated iterator.

void w_list_insert_before(w_list_t *list, w_iterator_t position, void *element)

Inserts an element in a list before a particular position.

void w_list_insert_after(w_list_t *list, w_iterator_t position, void *element)

Inserts an element in a list after a particular position.

void w_list_insert_at(w_list_t *list, long index, void *element)

Inserts an element in a list at a given index..

Note that the operation is optimized for some particular indexes like 0 (first position) and -1 (last position), bu in general this function runs in O(n) time depending on the size of the list.

void w_list_del(w_list_t *list, w_iterator_t position)

Deletes the element at a given position in a list.

void w_list_del_at(w_list_t *list, long index)

Deletes the element at a given index in a list.

size_t w_list_size(const w_list_t *list)

Obtains the number of elements in a list.

bool w_list_is_empty(const w_list_t *list)

Checks whether a list is empty.

void w_list_del_head(w_list_t *list)

Deletes the element at the beginning of a list.

Contrary to w_list_pop_head(), the element is not returned, and the reference counter is decreased (if reference counting is enabled).

void w_list_del_tail(w_list_t *list)

Deletes the element at the end of a list.

Contrary to w_list_pop_tail(), the element is not returned, and the reference counter is decreased (if reference counting is enabled).

void w_list_insert(w_list_t *list, w_iterator_t position, void *element)

Alias for w_list_insert_before().

void w_list_append(w_list_t *list, void *element)

Alias for w_list_push_tail().

void w_list_pop(w_list_t *list, void *element)

Alias for w_list_pop_tail().